Microsoft Word Page Numbering: 4 Steps To Perfection - Build Your Book - Format a Paperback Manuscript (Word for Windows)
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Microsoft word 2016 header and footer disappear free -- Microsoft word 2016 header and footer disappear free
Coursework Hero - We provide solutions to students.Deleting a Header or Footer (Microsoft Word)
Tip: If your page count changes, go back and check the inside margin because it may also need to change. Tip: Applying the Normal style to all of the content after the front matter ensures that any hidden or unintentional formatting is changed.
Tip: Depending on whether the font you chose is large example: Arial or a small example: Times New Roman , you should size between 9 and 12 point. Amazon recommends 9 point for a larger font and 12 point for a smaller font. In Step 2, you modified Heading 1 for all chapter titles. Use Heading 1 for any front matter pages you want in your TOC.
Tip: It may seem confusing to add page numbers individually and then remove some. We recommend this so the page numbers flow consecutively whether they are displayed or not. Tip: You might find it more efficient to perform the tasks for each chapter title page applying Heading 1 , first paragraph, drop cap, and removing headers and footers before moving on to the next chapter title page.
This is covered in Step 7. You're now done formatting your interior file! To upload it to KDP, go to your Bookshelf. Learn More. Please rate your experience using this page Delighted.
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Publishers Topic 2 - Account Setup non-U. Contact Us. Have feedback? Can't find your answer in our Help pages? Search Help. The information is specific to the version of Word, but the steps are similar in most versions.
Alternatively, you can try our Kindle Create tool to format your paperback interiors. Contents Setting trim size and margins Modifying styles Formatting chapters Formatting front matter Adding pagination Adding headers advanced Formatting chapter title pages advanced Adding images advanced Creating a table of contents Proofing and exporting to PDF.
This opens a dialog box. Enter your book's trim size into the Width and Height fields. In the Apply to list, select Whole document and click OK. This resizes your pages and changes your page count, which you need to know for setting your margins. In the Multiple pages list, select Mirror margins. In the Apply to list, select Whole document. Identify your margin sizes based on page count using the chart at the end of this step.
Enter your Top , Bottom , Inside , and Outside margins based on your book's page count. We used. Do not enter any value into the Gutter field. Click OK. Enter Width and Height fields for your trim size with bleed added. Add 0. For example, if your trim size is 6" x 9" Microsoft Word might round 0. In the Apply to list, select Whole document and then click OK. Identify your margin sizes using the chart at the end of this section.
The chart provides the minimum requirements for your margin sizes, but we recommend a top and bottom margin of 1" if you're including headers and an outside margin of 0. Step-by-step instructions: Setting and applying styles Modifying the Normal style for book body The Normal style is used for your book's body text.
You'll pick your font and font size as well as the alignment of each paragraph, spacing between paragraphs, and the indentation of the first line of each paragraph. These are all style choices so choose based on your genre. On the Home tab, right-click the Normal style and select Modify. Select your Font and Font Size from the lists. For example, set Font Size to 10 and select the Garamond font.
Click the Format list and select Paragraph. In the dialog box: Under General , set the Alignment to Justified. Under Special , set First line indent to 0.
Keep everything highlighted. On the Home tab, in the Styles ribbon, click the Normal style. For example, select black , Lucida Sans , 24pt , centered. Under Special , select none.
Under Spacing , set Before and After to 60pt to move the title about a third of the way down the page and separate it from the first paragraph. Click OK on both open boxes to save changes. Step-by-step instructions: Adding section breaks Place the cursor at the end of the front matter. On the Layout tab, click the Breaks list and then select Next Page.
Repeat the previous step at the end of each chapter. Step-by-step instructions: Formatting chapter title pages Highlight the title of the first chapter. On the Home tab, in the Styles section, click Heading 1 to apply the style to the chapter title.
Repeat the previous step for each chapter title. Step-by-step instructions: Formatting front matter Adding section breaks and blank pages Use section breaks to add blank pages within the front matter as needed to ensure that pages have the proper position.
To insert a blank page with a section break: Insert the cursor at the top of the page that will follow the new blank page. To create a placeholder page for the table of contents, add a right-facing blank page immediately before Chapter 1 and name it Table of Contents. Before you start applying styles, make sure you've added section breaks in between pages of your front matter as described in Step 3.
Formatting front matter pages Half title page Highlight the title text. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Center. For example, select black , Lucida Sans , 32pt , centered. In the Paragraph group, click the dialog box launcher small diagonal arrow : Under Special , select none. Under Spacing, set Before to 32pt and After to 16pt to move the chapter title about a third of the way down the page and separate it from the first paragraph.
Click OK to save changes. Title page To format the title, repeat the steps in "Formatting the Half Title Page" with the same choices of font, size, color, alignment, and spacing. To format the subtitle: Choose the same Font as your title and then select Italicized , a smaller Font Size example: 24pt , and center alignment. In the Paragraph group, under Spacing , set Before and After to 16pt.
To format the author name: Choose the same Font as your subtitle and then select a smaller Font Size example: 16pt and center alignment. In the Paragraph group, under Spacing , set Before to 16pt and After to 0.
Copyright page To format the copyright page, highlight all of the copyright content. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group , select Center.
In the dialog box, make sure the Number format is 1, 2, 3 and set the Page numbering to Start at 1. In the dialog box, change Number format to small Roman numerals, and set the Page numbering to Continue from Previous Section. To ensure consecutive pagination, repeat this process for all front matter pages. Step-by-step instructions: Removing page numbers Removing page numbers from certain pages of front matter is a design choice and requires more Microsoft Word skill and time.
With your cursor in the footer, you'll see Link to Previous highlighted in the Navigation group. Click Link to Previous to deselect it. Fixing page numbering issues You may notice the pagination is restarting at 1 at the beginning of a chapter or section. In the dialog box, set the Page numbering to Continue from Previous Section. In the Navigation group, click Link to Previous to deselect it. Same as previous should no longer appear in the header. Repeat this process on the second page of Chapter 1.
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